Wednesday, February 17, 2010

i heart break up songs

So now that Vday is over and you're coming down from your sugar high lets talk about break up songs! over the last two months I've had some time to ponder the perfect break-up song and the fantastical cathartic affect of finding the one I can listen to all day while dancing around with my cat.
I need to expand my break-up playlist, so i can be prepared for the next BIG ONE!
I'd love some recommendations...

Here's my break-up play list:

No Doubt's X Girlfriend. the surfy guitar sound, with that pink hair and quick quip "I kinda always knew I'd end up your ex girl friend" so good!

Cranberries - Linger.
Person A: the one still in love
Person B: The one who knows its over but allows it to linger out of fear, confusion and sadness.

Joy Division - Love Will Tear us Apart
- a perfectly angsty affirmation about loves destructive effects. Perfect to listen to while trying to distract yourself from the gooey love memories that keep us from moving on.

Sleater Kinney's - Jumpers - its all about the golden gate bridge. "There is a bridge adored and famed The Golden spine of engineering/Whose back is heavy With my weight" i think the beautiful structure of the golden gate bridge could make a lovely metaphor for the emotional state we go through when trying to cross over the relationship self to the single self. (whoa! that was deep, ha.) UPDATE: I just realized this song could also be about the suicide "jumpers" that use the Golden Gate Bridge.... Eeep! Most healthy break-ups shouldn't make you wanna jump off a bridge, if you feel that way call a friend or a help line!

Fiona Apple - Parting Gift
I'm not sure how to categorize Fiona Apple's "Parting Gift"? possibly its just for those I'm-not-crying-its-just-raining-on my-face kinda moments.

Everything but the girl - missing - "Like the deserts miss the rain" for those sappy moments when only a classic house tune can cure your blues.

Nina Simone - Aint got no...I've got life -
For those sad days when being without that special someone makes you feel so desolate, this song is a good reminder of the wonderful things love cant take away from us. Like my smile, and my "boobies" aw i love miss simone!

Ani Difranco - Buildings and Bridges.
Don't worry, no more bridge metaphors.
"i may get pissed off sometimes
but you seem like the type
to hold a grudge
and in the end i just let it go"

Tupac - keep your head up -
who knew tupac was a pro choice feminist? This song is more about race, equality and gender, but the positive chorus and gospel feel really lifts my heart!
"I know you're fed up ladies, but keep your head up"

Bat for Lashes - Whats a Girl to Do - When i realize "the tingling inside was gone" i knew i had to make a change. I'll never forget that realization moment. it hurts.

Bat for Lashes

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