“Dyke March is not a parade - it is a political demonstration of critical mass; a moment seized to revel in the strength, diversity and passion of LGBTTIQQ2SA women and trans folk.”
Pride Toronto website.
We couldn’t agree more. We want to continue pursuing these vital goals. Join us as we TAKE BACK THE DYKE by conducting our own march at the same time (Saturday, July 3rd @ 2pm, meeting at Nathan Phillips Square) keeping the aforementioned tenets in tact. It is going to be FIERCE.
* Pride's Dyke March, which spans only a few major intersections and one large street (http://www.pridetoronto.com/festival/dyke-march/) is not a march—it’s a concession.
* Pride Toronto should not have the privilege of trumpeting our politics when they are silencing our voices and those of our colleagues and friends (http://orvillelloyddouglas.wordpress.com/2010/04/18/controversy-in-torontos-lgbt-community-about-a-space-for-marginalized-people/, http://queersagainstapartheid.org/).
* Relocating lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgender, intersex, queer, questioning, 2 spirited women, trans folk and their allies to the “wonderful new venue” in Queen’s Park is too far away from all the action. More importantly, this decision was made without consulting the communities most directly involved.
We will march, scream, strut, sign, chant, roll and dance our way through the city streets. We will have excellent slogans and chants, creative banners, costumes, and other mind-bending spectacles. In many cities the Dyke March has never operated with a permit, intentionally positioning itself as separate from the corporate sponsored/censored Pride events. It is clear from the press conference rationalizing its censorship of QuAIA that Pride Toronto is bowing to corporate sponsors and homophobic politicians who have nothing but money at the heart of their interests. We don’t need money to be proud. We are dykes. All we need is a can of lentils and some sunscreen. If you have experience marshalling, postering, sign making, cheerleading, organizing, or yelling contact the administrators here. If you don't have this experience, we will train you in all of the above. We are recruiting! It is time to reclaim our march.
Response has been amazing, friends—thank you all so much! For those of you asking about getting involved before the big day, here are a few options we have so far:
To be part of the Wheatpasting Brigade, contact Pike at pike.krpan@gmail.com
For Radical Queerleading Boot Camp contact Amy at torontoradicalqueerleaders@gmail.com
We will be posting more jobs (marshalling, sign making, medics, papier mache) with the contact information in the coming weeks.
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