Sunday, November 8, 2009


Halloween just past and these white guys thought going as the Jamaican Bobsled Team was a good idea. Problematic? YEP!

come learn why...

On October 29th, St. Michael's, Victoria and University College's student
unions held a Halloween party that was heavily advertised across campus. In
attendance were a group of students dressed as the Jamaican Bobsled Team.

4 students of the group were dressed in blackface.
1 student was dressed in whiteface.

Furthermore, their racialized costumes won them top honors in a "best
costume" competition.

We will be discussing the emergence of blackface at universities and
colleges across the US, as well as its emergence at UofT and its
negative effects.

The Black Students Association will be holding an event on black face and
its history and implications

Tuesday, 10 November 2009
18:00 - 21:00
Lash Miller Building, 80 St. George, room 155

More info on Blackface